Der Spiegel Wissen

Der Spiegel Wissen

Spiegel Verlag Rudolf Augstein GmbH & Co

SPIEGELWISSEN appears since 2009 as own series, initially four times, since 2015 six times a year. The optical concept of the series has also been renewed with the increase of the frequency: in the notebook as well as on the cover. As a "magazine for a better life", SPIEGELWISSEN gives orientation to questions of life-shaping and addresses themes such as serenity, communication, creativity or self-discovery, which are viewed from a personal, psychological and social perspective. The readers receive practical as well as intellectual orientation for their own everyday life and their lifeworld. In doing so, SPIEGELWISSEN not only provides a well-founded and comprehensive report on a social topic, but also tells fresh, up-to-date, true-to-life and exciting. This vitality is also reflected in the dissolved, generous aesthetics of the booklet. Demanding photo-productions and illustrations as well as elaborate infographics ensure a distinctive contemporary-classic magazine optics. The magazine provides portraits, reports and reports about people and institutions from the respective subject area as well as recurring columns and regular columns such as "Ms Burmester has an appointment", "Dr. Allwissend" and "A picture And its history ". Message pages, concise suggestions in short form as well as references to relevant apps, websites and books provide practical value. Available for license globally.


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